„INTERPROJECT” Ltd. is one of the leading Bulgarian consulting companies with proven expertise required in management consulting.
The portfolio of the company includes the following activities:
- Preparation, management, monitoring and evaluation of projects funded by European Union programs, National Financial Instruments and other financial institutions;
- Organizing and carrying out technical projects for inter–laboratory comparisons by an Accredited PT Provider;
- Development and implementation of management systems according to international ISO–standards;
- Organizing and carrying out trainings by the licensed vocational training center at INTERPROJECT Ltd.;
- Setting up strategic documents.
The team of „INTERPROJECT” Ltd is carring out consulting services when preparing investment projects, strengthening the laboratory infrastructure throughout the country, audits and trainings in quality management of laboratories and inspection bodies, development and maintaining of occupational health and safety assessment, development and implementation of management systems according to international and national standards; experts of the company conduct metrological assurance of measurements; organizing and carrying out proficiency testing schemes by technical projects for interlaboratory comparisons; development, manufacturing, validation and sale of standards; development and validation of calibration methods for measuring devices; environmental and labour management; verification of functional fitness of technical equipment; vocational training and laboratory personnel training, organizing and carrying out technical projects for inter–laboratory comparisons and etc.
Since 2013 company is certified according to ISO 9001:2008, since 2023 is certified according to ISO 9001: 2015, and since 2024 according to ISO/IEC 27001:2022.
„INTERPROJECT” Ltd is an active member of the technical committees of Bulgarian Institute for Standardization ТК-28 General metrology and ТК-34 Quality management and conformity assessment.
Our approach is based on offering practical and effective solutions. Customers appreciate our ability to understand and satisfy their needs keeping in mind the needs and requirements of all interested parties involved in a project.
In our work we aim that our customers obtain the best results.