„INTERPROJECT“ Ltd. offers its customers a wide portfolio of services, ensuring peace and confidence of candidates that their investment ideas are given realization through co-financing by the Structural Funds.

Services performed by team of „INTERPROJECT“ Ltd. include:

  • Permanent monitoring and analysis on actual possibilities for grants programmes,with EU funding;
  • Free of charge preliminary consulting to establish the opportunities for application and  to provide current information on the specific requirements and procedures for implementation of the project;
  • Discussion of customer’s ideas and analysis of business processes in the company, which will apply for a grant, in the light of requirements the specific measure / procedure in the operational programme;
  • Development of feasibility studies and business plans for the purposes of the application for EU Operational Programmes and according to the relevant regulations;
  • Preparation of all necessary documents for application according to the requirements of the funding programme;
  • Assertion of the investment project to the responsible institutions;
  • Assistance (if necessary) to ensure the necessary co-financing of the project by the client;
  • Preparing documents for change of the contract or its annexation, as well as to receive advance, intermediate and final grant payment;
  • Management and monitoring of approved projects to their final realization in accordance with the specific requirements and rules.

Whether you are still in doubt or you have already decided to apply for one of the EU operational programmes, consultants of „INTERPROJECT“ Ltd. will absolutely free provide information for all the measures / procedures open currently, they will inform you whether you are acceptable candidate and whether the activities you plan to perform will be subsidized. You will be informed of the amount of the grant and the  application deadline, as well as documents, which should be completed. If you decide to trust us, we will be next to you all the way from first idea to its practical realization.

Operational programmes that you can receive competent advice from our experts, are the following:


Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2014-2020  (OP HRD) Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2014-2020 (HRD OP) will contribute actively to achieving two of the targets of the European Strategy for Smart, Sustainable, and Inclusive Growth “Europe 2020”. These are the targets in the fields of employment and the fight against poverty and social exclusion. Bulgaria, along with the other EU Member States, has defined its national targets for the implementation of the “Europe 2020” Strategy, namely :

  • at least 76% of the 20-64 year olds to be employed by 2020;
  • reducing the number of people living in poverty by 260 thousand by 2020

Attaining these targets is of paramount importance for the vision and strategy of the OP HRD. The 2012 analysis in the Partnership Agreement has shown the need for Bulgaria to expend considerable effort during the next programming period in order to achieve the set goals. The employment rate of the population aged between 20 and 64 is 63.0% while the goal is for 76%; in comparison with the baseline year 2008, in 2010 the number of people living in poverty rose by over 41 thousand people. Taking into account these challenges, the OP HRD is set upon the following three pillars:

  • Higher employment rate and better quality employment;
  • Reducing poverty and promoting social inclusion;
  • Modernisation of public policies.


The OPIC 2014-2020 strategy, as a part of the implementation of the EU structural and investment funds (ESIF) in Bulgaria, according to the Partnership Agreement 2014 -2020, is closely relatedto the objectives for Growth and Jobs and Bulgaria‘s contribution to achieving thethree complementary types of growth according to the “Europe 2020”:

  • Smart growth: developing an economy based on knowledge and innovations;
  • Sustainable growth: promoting a greener and more competitive economy and a more efficient use of resources;
  • Inclusive growth: fostering a high-employment economy leading to social and territorial cohesion.

OPIC 2014 -2020 directly engages in smart growth (under priority axes 1,2) and sustainable growth (under priority axes 3and 4), aiming at complementary effect in terms of inclusive growth. The support under OPIC 2014-2020 aimsat addressing the needs, overcoming the challenges and seizing the opportunities for development of Bulgarian economy.

  • Strengthening research and development activities, technological development and innovations:

– Strengthening the infrastructure, needed for research and innovation areas (RIS) and the capacity to realize achievements in the field of of research and innovation and promoting centers of competence, focused especially on centers, which are of European interest;

–  Promoting investments of businesses in RIS, development of connections and cooperation between companies, centers for research and development and in the field of higher education institutions, in particular promotion of investments in designing of products and services, and technology transfer, social innovation, eco-innovations and public service applications, promotion of demand, networking, clusters and open innovation through smart specialization and support of technological and applied scientific research, initial lines, actions of approval of early products, advanced manufacturing capabilities and first production, especially in the crucial enabling technologies, and the distribution of general purpose technologies.

  • Investing in education, training, including vocational training for acquiring skills and lifelong learning:

– Reduction and prevention of early school leaving and promoting equal access to high quality of pre-school, primary and secondary education, including formal, non-formal and informal processes to learn reinclusion education and training system;

– Improving the quality, efficiency and accession to high and equivalent education in order to increase participation and improving education levels, in particular for the disadvantaged groups;

– Improving equal access to lifelong learning opportunities for all ages in formal, informal and unofficial kind, upgrading knowledge, skills and competences of labor, as well as promoting flexible learning processes, including professional orientation and validation of acquired skills; centers of excellence, in particular centers, which are of European interest;

– Improvement of education and training to labor market, ease the transition from education to work and strengthening vocational education and training systems, and their quality, including mechanisms for predicting skills, adaptation of curricula and creation and development based on the work study systems, including dual systems of learning and apprenticeship schemes.

  • Promoting social inclusion, fighting poverty and all forms of discrimination:

– Active integration including promotion of equal opportunities and active involvement and better employability;

– Socio-economic integration of marginalized communities as Gypsies.

  • Stimulating innovations, cooperation and development  based on the knowledge in rural areas;
  • Improving economic performances in all farms;
  • Facilitating restructuring and modernization of farms especially with regard to increase in the market participation and orientation and diversification in agriculture;
  • Facilitating the entry on farmers with suitable qualifications in the agricultural sector and in particular the continuity between generations;
  • Improving competitiveness of primary producers by better integration in agricultural and food chain through quality schemes which add value to agricultural products, promotion of local markets and short supply chains,  , Producer groups and organizations and interbranch organizations;
  • Restoring and protecting and enhancing biodiversity, including in areas “Natura 2000” and in areas with natural or other specific limitations and agriculture with high natural value and the state of European landscapes;
  • Improving water management, including the management of fertilizers and pesticides.