Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Best wishes for a successful and prosperous New 2025 Year!
Programs for interlaboratory comparisons for 2024
Dear Heads of Laboratories, Inspection Bodies, Organizations,
Accredited PROVIDER at “INTERPROJECT” Ltd. (Certificate of Accreditation № 526/T-007/11.11.2020, actualized 29.09.2022, valid until 11.11.2025) by Slovak National Accreditation Service (SNAS) inform you that on our web page you can find the the updated PT Program for 2023, with 14 projects. We inform you that the accepting of the Registration forms for this year is done.
The new 2024 Proficiency Test Program with a total of 19 technical projects has been developed and approved, as well as the general Proficiency Test Program 2015-2027 has been supplemented.
Under both Programs, you can plan your participation by projects, products, characteristics and deadlines until the end of 2027.
Applications are now being accepted for 2024.
Payment is made before the samples are sent.
If you wish to participate Technical Project, you send a Registration Card for it.
The Technical Project for interlaboratory comparison marked with an asterisk concludes with the development and validation of a matrix reference material/RMM (tested homogeneity, proven stability for a certain period) with a certificate for the purposes of control of the accuracy of measurement results and validation and/or verification of test methods. The RMМ form is provided with a certificate.
By participating in a project, you not only prove the technical competence of your laboratory, but also verify the applied methods. It is allowed to participate in more than one method in order to prove their comparability, as well as new characteristics in Technical Projects. We accept proposals for new technical projects or additional features on announced projects.
When applying for 2 or more projects together, you get a 20% discount on the total price.
The programs are available on the website of “INTEPRODJECT” EOOD –
We are waiting for your timely requests!!!
You can get more information from the Program Coordinator – Mrs. Asya Manoylova, GSM: 00359 882 121 245 or 00359 889 60 10 90, e-mail:, as well as on our website –
Workshop organized by EURACHEM
In the period September 25-28, 2023, the Head of Accredited PROVIDER at “INTERPROJECT” Ltd had the opportunity to attend a PT Workshop organized by Eurachem in cooperation with CITAC and EQALM.
10th Workshop on Proficiency Testing in Analytical Chemistry, Microbiology and Laboratory Medicine, over 200 delegates from over 45 countries are attending. It was great to have the PT community meeting in Windsor, UK- along with informative training courses, lectures, short communications, poster sessions and working group discussions.
Its mission was to provide a forum within the world chemical measurement community for pursuing excellence in the development and implementation of proficiency testing.
An interesting workshop considering that the proficiency testing is one of the essential requirements of the ISO 17025 and ISO 15189.
Training programs and programs for interlaboratory comparisons for 2023
Dear Heads of Laboratories, Inspection Bodies, Organizations,Due to receiving multiple requests about the upcoming trainings and education courses of general and specialized nature this year, The licensed vocational training center/ LVTC (License No. 2015121223 of NAVO/ 01.07.2015), inform you that,“TRAINING AND EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR LABORATORIES, INSPECTION BODIES AND ORGANIZATIONS FOR 2023“ is uploaded to our website.The program contains information about the conduct of 50 trainings/educations in Sofia and Varna in 2023.You have the opportunity to plan your training programs during the current year.In 2021 – 2022, 15 new guides of ILAC, EA, EURACHEM and other international organizations were approved, which will be discussed and explained in detail in the lectures on the individual courses of the program.We pay special attention to the new tоpics:• Implementation of the requirements of the new ILAC-G24: 2022 “Instructions for determining the calibration intervals of the measuring instruments” concerning the clarification of the scope and the determination of recalibration intervals of measuring equipment.The specified requirements are considered in detail in courses with numbers 04/2023, 10/2023, 16/2023, 17/2023, 24/2023, 31/2023, 33/2023, 35/2023. The changes are discussed also in courses with numbers 01/2023, 09/2023, 19/2023, 28/2023.The new requirements lead to changes in the procedures for managing technical means. |
Implementation of new requirements acording to EN ISO 16140-3:2021 “Microbiology of the food chain – Method validation – Part 3: Protocol for the verification of reference methods and validated alternative methods in a single laboratory (ISO 16140-3:2021)”.
The standard will be discussed from Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rositsa Enikova in two courses 07/2023 and 14/2023 in Sofia. This document specifies the protocol for the verification of reference methods and validated alternative methods for implementation in the user laboratory.
This document is applicable to the verification of methods used for the analysis (detection and/or quantification), confirmation and typing of microorganisms in:
– products intended for human consumption;
– products intended for animal feeding;
– environmental samples in the area of food and feed production, handling;
– samples from the primary production stage.
This document is, in particular, applicable to bacteria and fungi. Some clauses can be applicable to other (micro)organisms or their metabolites, to be determined on a case-by-case basis.
The technical protocols for the verification of validated qualitative methods and validated quantitative methods are described in Clauses 5 and 6. The technical protocol for the verification of validated alternative confirmation and typing methods is described in Clause 7. The protocols for the verification of non-validated reference methods are described in Annex F.
Different courses comment on the new standards guides and projects, including some EA-4/02M: 2022 discussion positions: EA-4/18G:2021, EA-4/09G:2022, ILAC-P14:09/2020, ILAC-G17:01/2021, ILAC G27: 07/2019 and other NTDs concerning quantitative and quality methods.
The implementation of the “TRAINING AND EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR LABORATORIES, INSPECTION BODIES AND ORGANIZATIONS FOR 2022“ continues (see our website) for the period September – December, ie. Courses № 34/2022 ÷ 48/2022. Applications for all courses with remote participation for 2022 and 2023 are accepted.
For more information, contact Technical Coordinator of the Program: Dafinka Slavova, GSM: 00359 889 60 10 90, phone: 00359 882 121 245, e-mail:, on our web Site too –
The qualification courses (trainings) according to the publications of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) G17:01/2021, ILAC-G18:12/2021 and the new requirements of the European accreditation documents EA-4/02 M: 2021, EA-4/18 G: 2021 start in January 2022, application forms are already accepted.
Colleagues of testing laboratories and inspection bodies,
We are pleased to inform you that we have received the right to use / place the new combined accreditation mark of the Accredited Provider at INTERPROJECT LTD including the ILAC mark.
The Accredited Provider at INTERPROJECT LTD received the new Accreditation Certificate № 526/T–007/11.11.2020 , valid until 11.11.2025, issued by Slovak National Accreditation Service (SNAS). The PT Provider has been successfully re-accredited for the period of next 5 years.
The SNAS Accreditation Certificate received is presented on the company’s website.
The Programme the PT Provider at „INTERPROJECT“ LTD for the conduct of proficiency testing by technical projects for interlaboratory comparissons in the period 2020 is running successfully in 10 areas with implemented flexible approach.
The updated Programme the PT Provider at „INTERPROJECT“ LTD for the conduct of PT by technical projects for ILC in the period 2021 is active with 19 technical projects and the updated Programme for the period 2015 – 2024.
Additional proposals for new testing objects and indicators are still being accepted. Marked with an asterisk (*) are technical projects on which matrix reference materials (MRM) will be developed and will be granted to the participants in the TP. By participating in a project, the participant not only proves the technical competence of the Laboratory, but also verifies the applied methods. Participation in a PT scheme not only proves the technical competence of the Laboratory, but also verifies the applied methods. It is allowed to participate with more than one method in order to prove their comparability.
On the web page of Interproject Ltd, you can find a Register of Matrix Refenece Materials, that can be purchased. They are developed regarding the procedure “interlaboratory certification”.
More information can be obtained from Customers Requests: Mrs Dafinka Slavova GSM: 00359 889 60 10 90, e–mail:, also at www.inter–
Greetings and stay HEALTHY: